Necessary evil Student loans are a necessary evil for students who can’t afford to pay for their education expenses. It is definitely a better alternative to loan money, than it is to charge a credit card with shameful interest rates. But when those interest statements and payment notices start coming in you mail, it can be a bit scary.
Extra money Remember the semester where you had to borrow a little extra money? Maybe you could not work as much in that period or because of other reasons. You got to eat right. Food is one of those things that you simply cannot live without. Unfortunately, not all that money was spent on necessities. Be honest now. Which is why you’re properly now are facing your student loan statements in total denial. I am sure it was a fun time back then.
Avoid paying more interest Of course you have already received solicitations from lenders that have their main focus on consolidation of student loans. You should consider this. Avoid paying more interest than you have to. One thing you must do before you consolidate student loans is to research the market and pick the best option.
Federal law Federal law mandates that a borrower have to consolidate with the lender that lends the loans if the borrower has all loans with the same lender. If they are held by more than one lender, the borrower is free to consolidate with any of the lenders that are in the federal student loan consolidation program.
Consolidate once Borrowers may only consolidate once. Depending on the lender there may be additional fees involved. Some companies advertise absurdly low interest rates or reduction of payment, fast approval, or other incentives. Be aware of them and make sure you read the fine print on all your offers for consolidation of student loans.
The student loan consolidation solution Consolidation of student loans may sound like it is difficult, but it is not. If all your loans are held at the same lender it shouldn’t be hard. Like student financial aid that has come from Department of Education or Sallie Mae Loans are easy to consolidate. The process can be started online for your convenience. There are some good incentives offered: reduction of interest rate up to 2% after 24 repeated withdrawal payments. Consolidation of student loans is a vital financial decision. Select it with as much care as when you picked a college major and applied for a student loan.
You will benefit from student loan consolidation and save money right away. Many good people have done consolidation of student loans before you, and quit easy I might add. The question is; what are you going to spend all that extra cash on?
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